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Welcome to Holywell Primary School PTA (Parent Teacher Association).  As a PTA we aim at supporting the school in all its activities.  Our Ultimate goal is to raise money through various fundraising events and charity grants to support the school and make a difference for our pupils but most importantly our goal is to bring smiles on the children’s faces and for them to have the opportunity to have fun, make memories and take part in lots of amazing events run by us your school PTA.

We are working hard to support the school and make a difference for the children in Holywell Primary School. We are working towards inspiring pupils, parents, teachers, and surrounding community members to work together for the greater good of the school within the child’s interest, sealing bonds and forming friendships boosting ethos, morale, and attitude.

Our Committee Members:

Our current members: Jess, Laura, Amanda, Becky

If you wish to join the PTA, please drop us your details: Or grab one of us on the playground, we are friendly and would welcome you with open arms. This year we really want to welcome and encourage as many parents as possible, regardless of what capacity you can help us as we understand people have jobs, other responsibilities to attend to, so we appreciate any time that can be given. We are planning as a committee to meet regularly, and we chat daily to co-ordinate and conduct the various upcoming events We would absolutely love to have our own ‘’PTA helper’s committee’’ where parents are encouraged to register on the ‘’help list’’ where you will be asked to potentially ‘’marshal’’ or help at certain events without having to proactively attend every meeting. This contribution alone is invaluable to us. All parents / guardians signed up to the PTA will be able to receive all notes and minutes via email so that you are all kept informed and able to contribute effectively and accordingly.

Where does the money go?

With this year being a year of hardship for many of us, the money that is being raised we will use to bring fun to the children. A lot of our events and the money that we raise will go to our other events and updating things in the school such as the library is one part we are focusing on at the moment, we also put money towards activities to the school free of charge.

Current Events:   We are currently planning for a Halloween disco for all school years and a Christmas Fare in December but please keep your eye on Events for more information!