
We are a group of volunteers whose purpose is to help the school provide the best possible education, resources and environment for all its pupils, to enable them to reach their full potential.  Our role includes providing leadership and direction for the school, monitoring and evaluating the work of the school, offering support, constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas and initiatives and help where needed.  We act as “critical friends” to the school at all times, challenging and asking questions of the Headteacher.

The Governing Body was reconstituted in 2015 under new government regulations and now comprises up to twelve members plus Associate members as appropriate.

Following changes made to our governance arrangements in September 2015, the two main committees, Resources and Curriculum & Achievement were disbanded and all governor business is conducted through meetings of the full Governing Body held three times during the Autumn and Summer terms and twice during the Spring term, allowing all governors full participation in all aspects of the school.  In addition, governors take on specific responsibilities to meet statutory requirements and to ensure the efficient operation of the Governing Body.

A Pay Committee, comprising a small group of governors is appointed to oversee staff performance and pay and meets once a term.  Specific committees may also be required to deal with Complaints, Exclusions and Staff Grievance, but these are put together on an ad hoc basis as and when issues arise and will depend upon governor availability.

No governors currently have any relevant business or pecuniary interests or governance roles in other educational institutions or any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).

Details of the Governing Body are as follows:

Name Governor Type Date Appointed Term From Term To Responsibilities/ Roles
Ms Kaveeta Sonigra Local Authority Governor & Chair 18-Dec-18 18-Dec-18 17-Dec-26 Ofsted

Heads Performance Management

Interim Safeguarding

Mr Tim Body Co-opted Governor & Vice-Chair 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-27
Mr Stephen Moran Co-opted Governor 18-Dec-18 18-Dec-18 22-Dec-26 Health & Safety


Pay Committee

Mr Paul Slagel Co-opted Governor 15-Nov-22 15-Nov-22 14-Dec-26
Mr Coert Van Straaten Headteacher Pay Committee

DSP Head

Mrs Abi McLaughlin Staff Governor 1-Sep-22 1-Sep-22 31-Aug-26
Mr Jack Mawhinney Parent Governor 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-23 14-Nov-27
Ms Rebecca Harvey Clerk n/a n/a n/a Clerk



Governors’ Secure Area

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