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Emergency Closures

Parents and carers can find out if the school is closed because of adverse or severe weather or other emergency circumstances. The intention of the school is always to remain open during adverse weather or other emergencies however closure is sometimes unavoidable. Parents must assume that school is open every day unless otherwise notified. A decision to close to the school is never taken lightly and lots of consideration is given to the safety of pupils on site, pupils getting to school safely and staff being able to get to school.

Hertfordshire County Council recommends that all schools use a system called Everbridge as a way to inform parents. The school will of course still post updates on the school website, send out text messages and update our Twitter account.

Registration for the Everbridge system is done swiftly and takes approximately 5 minutes. Once Parent/Carers have registered then they will get an automatic notification informing them that the school is closed. Parents can register their interest at more than one school if they have children attending other school. In addition to this a message will also be broadcasted on the local radio station – BBC Three Counties Radio.

Registration on the Everbridge system is completed at

You can have two devices added for each communication type if you wish to – this means that in addition to adding your own mobile number and email address, you can include the mobile number and email address of a partner or a grandparent in your registration process. They too would then receive any messages in relation to the school’s closure. Alternatively, interested parties could register themselves separately.