Over the last two years we have entered more and more sports competitions and as a result we are beginning to improve our results in all of the different sports competitions we enter. Our average finishing place in the different competitions for the year 2015 – 2016 was 4th place.
This year we have continued to enter more competitions and are ensuring that the children are more prepared for the competitions through focusing our curriculum PE sessions on the upcoming competitions and using the clubs to enrich the children’s skills.
We are also providing all children in the school with the opportunity to engage and compete in inter house sports competitions, with the newly appointed year 6 play leaders leading their teams. Each competition will be focused on a different sports area linked to the National Curriculum aims and the UK sports event calendar.
Our first inter- house competition is taking place on the week commencing November 21st. All children across the school will take part in their different house teams. The activities are focused on the National Curriculum objectives of throwing, catching, jumping, running, balance, flexibility, co-ordination and team work.