Return to Parents

Parents’ Information

Parental Involvement

We always aim to work closely with parents. At the start of the year an informal ‘Pop in to meet the teacher’ session is arranged after school. Formal open times are arranged each term: in the second half of the Autumn term for ‘first impressions’, towards the middle of the Spring term for a review of progress, and at the end of the Summer term for a look at the year’s work. In addition to these pre-arranged opportunities to come into school, parents are encouraged to get involved in life at the school in any way they can.

There are many areas of life in school where the help of parents is vital. We never refuse an offer, either for regular help or just on an occasional basis. Help can cover such things as activities involving Library and Resources, Art and Craft, Drama and Cooking and particularly language, reading and comprehension work. We are extra keen to get Dads involved, as well as parents from the many different cultural backgrounds which make up our school. Grandparents are also very welcome.

Sickness, Absence and Accidents

Please let us know details of your child’s medical history, i.e. any physical weakness or allergy, asthma, hearing or visual impairments which may affect performance in school on the form issued at the beginning of the first year.

Minor accidents will be treated in school. The school has three members of staff fully trained in first aid and, in addition, all support staff have received basic first aid training. If a child requires medical attention, parents are informed immediately. If parents are not immediately available, a member of staff will always accompany a child who has to go to hospital.

Please make sure we have up to date telephone numbers and addresses where you can be contacted during the day.

Although we do like to see the best attendance possible, the welfare of other children and staff is an important factor to be considered. In cases of illness, you are asked to keep your child at home until fully recovered, e.g. children who have been sick or have diarrhoea, should be kept at home for 48 hours after the last bout of the illness ends. If a child needs to be absent from school for any reason, parents should inform the school by telephone on the day, followed by a letter when they return to school.

Medical appointments

Where possible appointments should be made out of school time. If the appointment is within
the school day, children will not be allowed to leave school unless collected by an adult.

Holidays in term time

Parents are informed well in a dvance of holiday dates and should take all their annual holiday during school holidays. A family holiday will not usually be considered a reasonable reason to authorise an absence. Parents requesting permission for an extended absence must do so in writing on the Application for Leave of Absence form, available on request from the school office.

Under new regulations schools are not authorised to approve leave from school.


Children are not allowed to have medicine in school with the exception of inhalers for asthma. Children will have their inhaler kept for them. All inhalers must be labelled with the child’s names. Where a child needs an epi-pen the school must be alerted so that appropriate training can be updated.

In very exceptional cases school staff may administer medicine prescribed by a doctor. This must be handed to the school secretary and be clearly labelled with the child’s name, date and the dosage. Parents, carers will be asked to sign a form giving the school permission to give the medication.